How To Keep Dog Hair Out Of Your Car

How To Keep Dog Hair Out Of Your Car

Keep Your Car Dog Hair-Free There’s nothing better than bringing your best buddy along for the car ride. Chances are, “wanna go for a ride?” is one of your dog’s favorite things to hear. We adore our pets, and we want them by our side everywhere we go, but sometimes,...
How to Get Rid of Water Spots on Car Windows

How to Get Rid of Water Spots on Car Windows

Do you want to get rid of water spots on your car windows? Those pesky white-edge splotches that appear after it rains or snows are remnants of hard water that has dried. While it may seem like these water spots could be simply wiped away, the minerals in the hard...
The Best Way To Get Your Wheels Clean

The Best Way To Get Your Wheels Clean

Are you looking for the best way to get your wheels clean? Car wheels are some of the dirtiest parts of your vehicle. They collect everything from dirt and dust to grease and gravel, but most people spend considerably less time washing wheels. It is important to keep...
When Is It A Bad Idea To Go Through A Carwash?

When Is It A Bad Idea To Go Through A Carwash?

Have you ever asked yourself ” is this a bad idea to go through a carwash?” Then, no worries! This blog is just for you. Most car owners prefer drive-thru carwashes to clean their vehicles because they are a fast and easy way to treat a vehicle to a wash....
A Complete History of the Car Wash Industry

A Complete History of the Car Wash Industry

History of the Car Wash Industry Car wash technology has undergone a lot of changes in order to become what it is today. While fully-automated carwashes seem commonplace these days, this type of technology wasn’t even dreamt of a hundred years ago. Today we are going...
The Best Way to Clean Your Car Mats

The Best Way to Clean Your Car Mats

Learning how to clean your car mats is essential to car maintenance. Every time someone steps into your vehicle, they likely bring a small trail of dirt, gravel, mud, and/or sand with them. All of this debris gets on your car mats. That being said, it is extremely...