How to Clean Bird Poop Off Your Car Window

How to Clean Bird Poop Off Your Car Window

Dealing with bird poop on your car can be incredibly frustrating. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also leave a lasting mark and potentially damage the surface of your vehicle. In this guide, we’ll explore effective methods on how to clean bird poop off your...
Does Rain Clean Your Car?

Does Rain Clean Your Car?

Your car is dirty, and just as you’re hoping for a natural wash, it starts raining. Relief washes over you, thinking the rain will do the job. But does rain clean your car? At first glance, it seems logical that water raining down on your car would wash away the...
How To Get Tree Sap Off Of A Car Windshield

How To Get Tree Sap Off Of A Car Windshield

If you’ve ever dealt with it, you know that tree sap can be a real pain to remove from a car windshield. Tree sap is a formidable foe. Not only is it stubborn, but it also tarnishes your vehicle’s overall appearance, diminishing its sleek and...
How To Clean Dog Drool Off Of Car Interior

How To Clean Dog Drool Off Of Car Interior

Dogs really are the best companions a human could ask for–they’re loyal, affectionate, and a lot of fun! However, we also know they do tend to create a little extra cleanup duty for us from time to time. Take, for instance, when our pups get on the ride...
How To Clean Your Car Trunk Carpet

How To Clean Your Car Trunk Carpet

When it’s time to give your vehicle a wash, chances are cleaning your car trunk carpet doesn’t even cross your mind. You’re not alone. Many car owners tend to focus on cleaning the exterior of their cars, and when it comes to the interior, it’s...