The Ins  And Outs Of  An Automatic Car Wash

The Ins  And Outs Of  An Automatic Car Wash

Automatic Car Wash

Understanding the ins and outs of an automatic car wash can be extremely helpful to those who care about the maintenance of their cars.  Automatic carwashes,  also known as touchless carwashes, offer tons of advantages and make  them worthwhile.

How Automatic Carwashes Work

When you drive up to an automatic carwash, an assistant guides you to put your front wheels on a track. Once your car is in neutral, it will glide through the automatic car wash. 

How Automatic Carwashes Clean

As your car is going through  the wash, the car wash “robots” will spray your car with water to rinse off all the dirt and grime. Then, it will spray cleaning agents and scrub with some type of large brush. 

Benefits of Automatic Carwashes

1. They are efficient.

2. They protect paint from scratches.

3. They are easy.

Whether you're looking for a quick and simple wash, or the works, we've got you covered!

Unlimited Plans Available For Less Than $1/Day!

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