How To  Tell When  It Is Time  To Detail  Your Car

What Is  Auto Detailing?

Auto detailing is a service that Rocket Carwash offers to help you keep your car clean and in its best condition.  This service cleans out visible and invisible contaminants from the vehicles interior and polishes the exterior.

Why You  Should Get Your  Car Detailed!

Do not wait to detail until it is  too late! Overtime dirt, dust and debris can build inside your car. Whether from roadtrips, pets, weather or your daily commute contaminants can  build up.  Regular maintenance can  help preserve your car in  the best condition possible.  This maintenance helps preserve the exterior paint and interior finish on your vehicle.

How Often  Should You Get  Your Car Detailed 

It is recommended that you have your car detailed 2 to 3 times a year or every 4 to 6 months.  The amount of times can  vary based on the average  wear and tear put on the car.  Maintaining your cars cleanliness helps to minimize the need for full service detailing as frequently.

Whether you're looking for a quick and simple wash, or the works, we've got you covered! 

Unlimited Plans Available  For Less Than $1/Day!

Let's Start Cleaning! Visit Today!

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