Common  Tire Washing Mistakes

Car Care Troubles?

We have all cleaned our car before, but did you know  that you might be doing  it all wrong?

There are actually very common tire washing mistakes that almost everyone has done.

Read along to learn about common tire washing mistakes and how to fix them!

Washing Your  Tires Last

You may think by doing them last that you are getting the best clean.


It is often times why many of our tires do not even get a good washing, since you left  it last.

People often get tired  of cleaning and skip it  all together.

Using Household Cleaning Items

Home remedies don't always get the job done.


Household products can actually cause corrosion and diminish the sealant on your tires.

Washing Your Tires All At Once

Although you may want to wash your tires all at once,  it can actually make it worse.


Cleaning solution can dry out by the time you get back to it; thus, making it harder to  wash off.

Let's Recap!

There are common tire washing mistakes that  you can avoid.

By not washing your tires last, using car specific cleaning products, and by washing your tires one at a time, your tires will be cleaner than ever before!

Whether you're looking for a quick and simple wash, or the works, we've got you covered!

Unlimited Plans Available For Less Than $1/Day!

Let's Start Cleaning! Visit Today!

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